Hybrid working is an entrenched part of most office workers’ lives – but at some companies, that could be changing. Major firms including Bank of America and UPS are taking tougher stances on working from home. Will workers drag their feet in returning to the office? And if so, how can companies convince them to come back? Kevin Ellis, the UK head of PwC, tells guest host Andrew Hill why he encourages younger workers to come to work. Later, the FT’s global business columnist, Rana Foroohar, speaks to Jeremy Myerson and Phillip Ross – authors of the book ‘Unworking,’ about how better tech could win remote workers over.

Want more? Free links:

Bank of America warns return-to-office laggards with ‘letters of education’

UPS to cut 12,000 jobs as revenue outlook falls short on weak parcel demand

The home-working revolution is harming younger workers

Employers and staff seek truce on office working

Presented by Isabel Berwick, produced by Mischa Frankl-Duval, mixed by Simon Panayi. The executive producer is Manuela Saragosa. Cheryl Brumley is the FT’s head of audio.

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