Every week, a business school professor, an expert in his or her field, defines key terms on FT Lexicon, our online economics, business and finance glossary.

Roger Steare is corporate philosopher in residence at Cass Business School. He is also honorary visiting professor of organisational ethics and has taught on the executive MBA programmes for five years. Prof Steare has worked with academic colleagues to incorporate ethical values and decision-making in every degree course at Cass.

Prof Steare is an expert adviser to leaders in businesses such as BP, HSBC and PwC and to government agencies such as the FSA and SFO, advising on corporate purpose, governance, leadership, values, decision-making and behaviour. He is co-designer of MoralDNA, a psychometric profile that measures moral values and decision-making preferences, which has a database of over 70,000 people from more than 200 countries.

In the past, Prof Steare worked for 10 years as chief executive of a recruitment company, as a banker and as a social worker.

He has written two books, the second of which is due for publication later this year.

This week, Roger Steare adds to the following terms on FT Lexicon:

business narrative


empathic leadership


ethical decision-making

Compiled by Emmanuelle Smith

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