An election-betting scandal is sending the Tory campaign into freefall. The latest blow to the Conservatives comes as some polls predict a wipeout for the party on July 4. The FT’s Whitehall editor Lucy Fisher is joined by Political Fix regulars Stephen Bush and Jim Pickard to discuss this latest blow in a campaign littered with blunders. Plus, the team analyses the effect of the Reform party on the Tory vote and what might happen after the election.

Follow Lucy on X: @LOS_Fisher, Jim @PickardJE. Stephen @stephenkb

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Unusual burst of bets preceded Rishi Sunak’s election announcement

‘Every Tory I know is angry’: betting scandal sends election campaign into ‘freefall’

Potential routes forward for the Tories post-election

Tory leadership hopefuls jostle to replace Rishi Sunak

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Presented by Lucy Fisher. Produced by Audrey Tinline with Leah Quinn and Josh Gabert-Doyon.

Manuela Saragosa is the executive producer. Original music and audio mix by Breen Turner. The FT’s head of audio is Cheryl Brumley.

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