As the US election unfolded and it became clear that George Bush was the winner,’s discussion board began to fill up with reactions and views. Many were in despair at the result. Some were pleased. Few gloated. Here are highlights of the more interesting, argumentative and poignant views from the board.

”Bush’s reelection to office merely confirms America’s continuing love affair with mediocrity. As an American abroad, I despair of the possibility that my people will ever come of age…As one wag once said, we get the leaders we deserve. I fear for the future of the country I love.” John Carroll

”I know that President Bush is not the brightest firefly in the woods but instinctively we know that he is a better man than Kerry.” G Bailey

”How do I explain your decision to my 5 year old daughter?” Mike Harris

”Can’t we just divide the country up some way and become two countries? I really don’t like the association with this government.” Still Sane Somehow

”I am amazed that a people as straight-forward, clear and honest as the Americans have elected this muppet, after four years of lies and incompetence.” Russell Grimshaw

”I would like to thank the Guardian for its Ohio mail campaign which was intended to assist Kerry. A review of American history would have shown them that it was a mistake on their part but they were blinded by their sense of superiority and rank ideology. President Bush will be around another 4 years and I am very pleased.” Daniel Stiles

”Fortunately, the vast majority of Americans do not care one iota about foreigners’ opinions of the American elections or America generally.” Florida Republican

”The American people and the world go to sleep tonight with the understanding that the man in the White House is committed to freedom and to the same democratic values for others which have served to make America great.” Tim H.

”In a twisted way I am also glad that Bush has won. Let Bush harvest the poisoned crop he has planted in the economy, security and environment. In four years time we will all be begging for a change.” W Lait

”There are conclusions from this election though. For the Democratic party, don’t nominate your most liberal members to run for president. After all the US is not a social democracy like much of Europe. Socialists don’t sell in America.” Rich Barry

”Simpleton, arrogant, deceitful, criminal, myopic. These are all words that accurately define Bush and his skewed domestic and foreign policy vision. The re-election of Bush demonstrates that basing an entire campaign on division and fear can yield positive results.” Casper

”To say that Kerry had no position on issues is to buy into the Bush philosophy that there are simple pat answers to all the difficult questions.” Jim Jolly

”Democracy has been kidnapped by neo-conservative warmongers” Pierre Camus

”I’m still proud to be an American but for the first time, I’m going to quit the country for four years.” Gregory Chen-Jordan

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