Dealer: North 
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When your opponents defend against a line of play you have rejected, rejoice. Do not be tempted to outfox them at their own game.

1C 1D 1S NB
2S NB 4S

When, at his second turn, South bids his opponent’s suit, demanding further information from partner, North reasoned that, if South had held a four-card heart suit, he would have bid it and, if North had held three-card spade support, he would have supported, opposed to rebidding his minor.

So, he bid 2S to show a good doubleton, and 4S was reached. East won West’s diamond lead, and switched to a trump to try to prevent a diamond ruff in dummy. South, who faces just three losers if he can establish clubs, followed his opponent’s plan and not his own. He won and led a second diamond. East won, continued with a second trump and, now, when South gives up a club, East-West have a diamond trick to cash! 

The suit-establishment plan is clear-cut, the only matter is timing: this must be done while there is still a trump in dummy to prevent the cashing of a third diamond. When, at trick two, East switches to 8♠, South should win and play a low club from both hands. Whatever East does, South has control. After losing a second diamond, declarer can draw the trumps and run dummy’s clubs to fulfil his contract. 

Paul Mendelson’s new book, ‘The Joy of Bridge’, is out now

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