Photomontage of Macron and Salvini
© FT montage/Getty

It is like the weigh-in before a prize fight between two champion boxers. On one side, Matteo Salvini, Italy’s deputy prime minister, a hardcore Eurosceptic and now standard-bearer for Europe’s nationalist rightwing. On the other, Emmanuel Macron, the most Europhile French president in a generation, with an ambitious agenda to strengthen the EU.

With an eye on European parliamentary elections in May, Mr Salvini started to identify Mr Macron as his arch enemy in the autumn and the Frenchman has picked up the gauntlet.

“We’ve accepted this political divide and are organising around it,” said a French official soon after Mr Salvini started challenging Mr Macron. “We are in a logic of combat.”

Neither man will be standing for a seat in the EU’s legislature but they embody the two forces lining up to determine Europe’s future, helping to make these often ignored elections into a riveting spectacle — and potentially one of the pivotal political events of 2019.

PARIS, FRANCE - DECEMBER 15: Yellow Vest protesters march in front of police on December 15, 2018 in Paris, France. The protesters gathered in Paris for a 5th weekend despite President Emmanuel Macron's recent attempts at policy concessions, such as a rise in the minimum wage and cancellation of new fuel taxes. But the 'Yellow Vest' movement, which has attracted malcontents from across France's political spectrum, has shown little sign of slowing down. (Photo by Veronique de Viguerie/Getty Images)
The gilets jaunes took to streets across France in November and December © Getty

Mr Salvini’s popularity with Italian voters has surged as he faced down Brussels with a rule-breaking budget before both sides agreed to a pre-Christmas truce. His rhetorical blasts against EU institutions and officials and virulent attacks against immigration have made him the darling of Eurosceptics across the bloc and the possible linchpin of a new nationalist coalition.

Mr Macron has presented himself as a bulwark against 1930s-era nationalism sweeping across the continent. He saw off a nativist threat from far-right leader Marine Le Pen to win the presidency last year and with his energy and ideas has become a beacon for liberal pro-Europeans.

The clash sounds compelling. But will it live up to the billing? Some pro-Europeans worry the contest between these two men is ill-advised and that Mr Macron is no longer in good shape to fight it. He is highly unpopular at home and his reform agenda has run into strong resistance.

To the yellow-vested anti-government demonstrators who took to streets across France in November and December, Mr Macron’s grandiloquence about threats to civilisation, whether from nationalism or climate change, sounded like scorn for their more prosaic concerns. The comment of one protester summed it up: “Our elites are talking about the end of world when we are talking about the end of the month.”

Mr Macron’s European credentials have also taken a battering after he earmarked €10bn in extra spending to defuse the protests, meaning France will breach the EU’s 3 per cent deficit limit next year.

Some also worry that polarising the EU debate is a tactical error.

“It is a mistake to have a Europeanist versus populist cleavage for those pushing for Europe,” says Enrico Letta, the former Italian prime minister. “It is a mistake because it is absolutely necessary to divide the so-called populist camp. It is a very divided camp and we help them by creating this cleavage. They are only united if they have enemies.”

VatItaly, Milan - August 28, 2018 Italian interior minister Matteo Salvini meets Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán to discuss anti-migration plan.
Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orban and Matteo Salvini meet in August © Maule/Fotogrammaa/ROPI

Elections for the European Parliament may have struggled to gain attention in the past, but this one, to be held on May 23-26, has the potential to be the most consequential in decades.

Far-right or nationalist forces are on the march in practically every EU country, challenging establishment parties that continue to espouse, sometimes halfheartedly, mainstream pro-EU views.

According to an aggregation of surveys compiled by, Mr Salvini’s League will surge from 6 per cent of the vote and five of Italy’s seats in the European Parliament in 2014, to 33 per cent and 29 seats. France’s far-right is on course to win 21 per cent, pushing Mr Macron’s La République en Marche centrist party into second place, and giving Ms Le Pen a chance of redemption after a disappointing presidential election campaign in 2017.

Viktor Orban’s rightwing Fidesz party is almost certain to confirm its dominance in Hungary. The Eurosceptic Alternative for Germany looks likely to double its tally of 7 per cent and seven seats. Poland’s ultra-conservative Law and Justice party is expected to win 41 per cent and 24 seats, up from 32 per cent and 19 seats.

However, the combined gains for radical right parties in the European Parliament may be smaller than their cheerleaders would like. One study by the Jacques Delors Institute, a Paris-based think-tank, suggests they would win only 25 per cent of the 705 seats, up from 20 per cent now. One reason is Brexit, which will remove Britain’s Eurosceptic MEPs. Another reason is that France’s far-right and Hungary’s Fidesz were already in a strong position in the outgoing parliament.

Nationalists and populists are unlikely to take control of the European Parliament but they could still disrupt its work and put themselves in a position of influence, not least over nominations for Europe’s top jobs.

For 25 years, the centre-left and centre-right groups have worked together to control the legislature and EU policymaking more broadly, forging compromises on policy and sharing out jobs. But this time their grip could be broken, given the meltdown of socialist parties across Europe and the far-right squeeze on mainstream conservatives in France, Italy, Germany and, more recently, Spain.

“Even if a majority that is hostile to European integration, or capable of changing the current programme, is less plausible than suggested, it will be harder to build majorities in the future and relations between the institutions could change,” the JDI study concluded.

European Union Foreign Policy Chief Federica Mogherini, Belgium’s Prime Minister Charles Michel, French President Emmanuel Macron, Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, take part in a European Union leaders summit in Brussels, Belgium December 13, 2018. REUTERS/Piroschka van de Wouw/Pool
Emmanuel Macron, centre right, has done little so far to forge a pan-European coalition © Reuters

The power of the radical right after May’s elections will depend in large part on whether parties from two dozen countries can coalesce into a powerful parliamentary bloc — a sort of nationalist international.

“Historically, nationalists and populists have always struggled to build durable, cohesive alliances at the European level,” says Matthew Goodwin, professor of politics at the University of Kent, although he notes that “the merger of immigration and [hostility towards] Europe” in Eurosceptic discourse has given them a powerful common theme.

In the current parliament, rightwing nationalist parties are split among four groups, including the mainstream European People’s party, to which Mr Orban’s Fidesz belongs. They span a broad range of views, from free-market conservatives who want less red tape to far-right opponents of the EU and the euro.

The problem for Europe’s nationalists is that their national interests tend to clash. Mr Salvini has tapped into Italian fury over a lack of EU help to cope with illegal migration, yet Mr Orban or Austria’s Freedom party are strongly opposed to giving any such assistance. Some, such as the French and Austrian far-right parties, want closer ties with Russia, whereas Poland’s Law and Justice is staunchly opposed.

People, members of anti-racism associations and migrants gather on Piazza della Repubblica in central Rome on December 15, 2018 to protest the government's social politics, its recent decree restricting the right to asylum, and against racism. - The placard reads "Di Maio, Salvini, government of assassins". (Photo by Vincenzo PINTO / AFP)VINCENZO PINTO/AFP/Getty Images
Anti-racism associations and immigrant groups protest in central Rome against the policies of the League party © AFP

For those wishing to build a far-right alliance, Mr Salvini is the biggest catch. His League MEPs would probably be the most powerful contingent in any nationalist group. But he is keeping his options open until after polling day. For now, his European strategy appears to be stoking enough tensions with Brussels to appeal to Eurosceptic Italians without riling financial markets.

Rome stepped back in late December from confrontation with the European Commission over its 2019 budget plans, agreeing to scale back spending commitments and put in place safeguards if revenues fall short. But Brussels gave ground too.

Has Mr Salvini pulled his punches? No, says Nathalie Tocci, director of the International Affairs Institute in Rome, adding he would have been pleased had Brussels launched infringement proceedings against Italy. “He can spin things either way. He would have sold a strict commission as evidence of evil Brussels. He can now spin a slightly softened commission as evidence that his hardball tactics pay off.”

Mr Salvini is also tapping into an upswell of anti-French feeling in Italy, stemming from a perceived “lack of solidarity coupled with hypocrisy” during the migrant crisis of 2015-16, says Ms Tocci. “All of a sudden Macron has become a source of all evil” for many in Italy, she says.

Some, such as Mr Letta, are urging the French president to ignore the challenge issued by the League leader.

“It is Salvini who wants this duel, always attacking Macron, France and the French agenda. Macron is perfect for him as an enemy,” Mr Letta says. “That is why it is more sensible for Macron to avoid having Salvini as his main opponent. He should focus on Le Pen.”

Italy, Rome - December 9, 2018 The Interior Minister Matteo Salvini guest at ‚’mezz’ora‘ RAI 3 TV talk show Emmanuel Macron on the screen
Matteo Salvini on a talk show with an image of Emmanuel Macron behind him © Mistrulli/Fotogramma/ROPI

Mr Macron has adjusted his message. He now avoids singling out his Italian antagonist. He has also put more emphasis on the need for a more powerful and “sovereign” Europe, hence his call for a European army and criticism of the EU for being “too ultra-liberal”.

“Matteo Salvini is a symptom of a society that doesn’t know which way it is going. The best way of responding to him and all other nationalists is to come up with proposals to strengthen the EU,” says Pieyre-Alexandre Anglade, an MP for Mr Macron’s La République en Marche party and 2019 campaign strategist. He pointed to the president’s speech at the Sorbonne last year that contained nearly 50 ideas for reforming Europe, many of which have now been agreed.

The difficulty for Mr Macron is that his flagship plans to bolster the eurozone with a proper banking union and a budget to help cushion shocks are being blocked not by his nationalist enemies but his pro-European friends in Berlin and The Hague.

Mr Macron’s party has done little so far to forge a pan-European coalition — which is odd given his aspirations to act as pro-EU standard-bearer. Mr Macron has refused to merge his party fully with ALDE, the pan-European liberal group, choosing instead to form a “non-exclusive alliance”, says Mr Anglade. But nor has it yet managed to peel away like-minded social democrats, greens or liberal conservatives from their respective traditional families, either in France or more broadly across Europe.

Some supporters suggest he is reluctant to alienate Angela Merkel, German chancellor, his chief partner in Europe and the de facto leader of its centre-right bloc.

“He has subordinated coalition-building to his relationship with Merkel,” says one former adviser. “She is increasingly weak and his ability to get anything from her has dwindled.”

With his eurozone reform ambitions thwarted by his supposed ally in Berlin, facing off against a Eurosceptic camp led by an Italian might seem like an expedient political tactic. But Mr Anglade denies that the president was deliberately polarising the debate to deflect attention from his modest EU achievements.

“Those who accuse us of dramatising the situation are wrong,” Mr Anglade says. “There is a nationalist threat in France. Marine Le Pen showed that in 2014. The mistake some people are making is [to think] that she screwed up her [2017] presidential debate so badly that her party is finished.”

The gilets jaunes movement, which polls suggest has very strong support among far-right and far-left voters, could invigorate France’s anti-EU parties. It has severely damaged Mr Macron’s battered image and put his economic reform programme, and therefore his credibility in the EU, in jeopardy. And if he agrees to tax cuts or higher spending to defuse the crisis, France could breach EU fiscal rules, just like Italy.

No wonder Mr Salvini reckons he is heading for a knockout in next year’s fight. “Macron is not a problem for me,” he told Politico this month. “Macron is a problem for the French people.”

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