Sir Keir Starmer’s claim to fiscal respons­ib­il­ity calls for an explan­a­tion of how Labour cal­cu­lates that “end­ing the non-dom­i­cile tax status will raise £3.2bn” after tak­ing account of the poten­tial loss to the eco­nomy when tal­en­ted high-achiev­ing entre­pren­eurs lose non-dom­i­cile status, leave the coun­try, with­draw their invest­ments and relo­cate their assets, busi­nesses and char­it­able lar­gesse out­side the UK (Report, June 14).

Labour must also explain how much the Treas­ury will receive from VAT on private schools after deduct­ing the addi­tional costs incurred by state schools faced with an influx of chil­dren whose fee-pay­ing par­ents can no longer afford the private option.

Tre­vor Lyttleton
Lon­don NW11, UK

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