On Africa’s unfinished journey from autocracy to democratic rule, Kenya’s 2013 polls will go down among the more curious staging posts. Kenyans have great aspirations. They are mostly frustrated with their politicians and sophisticated in their understanding of their shortcomings. Yet, according to the country’s electoral commission, they have chosen two men – Uhuru Kenyatta and his running mate William Ruto – indicted for crimes against humanity to lead their nation. That could complicate their relations with the outside world for years to come.

There are strong reasons to doubt the integrity of the final results. In the most tech-savvy nation in the region, the electoral commission failed spectacularly to deploy mobile phones and laptops acquired at great cost to safeguard the integrity of the vote. Mr Kenyatta’s victory stands on a controversial manual count. Raila Odinga, the outgoing prime minister and losing candidate, has taken a challenge to the courts. Haunted by the violence that erupted following disputes over the results of the last vote in 2007, most Kenyans appear in no mood for a fight.

The country’s new leaders have other battles on their hands. Within months they are due to appear for trial at the International Criminal Court for their alleged role in organising 2008 election violence that claimed more than 1,100 lives. To date they have pledged to co-operate with the ICC. They face long periods in the dock – an unusual position from which to manage government business, promote reconciliation and assure foreign businesses that Kenya is a sound investment destination. Should they use their new positions to defy the ICC, it will be even more complicated for Kenya given the prospect of sanctions.

As much as Kenya, the ICC has lessons to learn. The principles of international justice were always likely to rub up against political realities. On the campaign trail Mr Kenyatta and Mr Ruto tapped into a rich seam of hostility towards western paternalism, turning the ICC indictments into an asset. They made the election a referendum on western intervention in Africa by portraying themselves as victims. Now they are in the best possible position to mount a defence and can use it to mobilise Kenyans should they refuse to attend court hearings. If the ICC is going to indict powerful politicians in future it might think twice about releasing them on bail.

Kenya is at the centre of a regional and continental economic revival. Western companies are heavily invested in this. In the face of strong resistance, there has been real progress on judicial and political reforms. A fairer system of governance, enshrined in its 2010 constitution, is within reach. It would be a mistake to ostracise Kenya. But upholding a commitment to end impunity is also important. Provided Kenya’s courts are able to rule freely on the legitimacy of the elections and its new leaders co-operate fully with the ICC, western governments should take a pragmatic approach.

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